Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Hey guys,
There are plenty of haters out there, those that condemn us for being who we are. My families a prime example of that. Its one of the main reasons I'm still so closeted to them, especially my father. I don't think I'm strong enough yet to be able to fight that battle with them. I truly do understand there Christian perspective having been bought up in the church, but at the same time I don't understand how they can be so comfortable preaching a message of hate, when as far as I'm aware Jesus only ever preached a message of love and compassion.

A blog I've followed anonymously for a long time updated today and prompted this post of mine. The blog being Ryans Life. You can find the post in question here http://aguyinlove.blogspot.com/2009/11/dont-understand.html
The general gist of it was that he had received hate mail from an idiot who conveyed his wishes that it was Ryan suffering from AIDS. He hoped that Ryans blog would die along with him.
My heart goes out to Ryan. These ignorant fools who attack us, have a profound affect on us, as much as we like to say otherwise.
I  for one am very glad that Ryans blog shall not be disappearing any time soon, because for seven years it has been a voice amongst the homosexual community. It has been a torch to the wider community, a personal insight into what its like being gay. His blog has inspired me since I started reading it, and it is one of the main reasons you see my own blog up and running.
His story has given me courage to share my own.
So Ryan don't let them get you down, just keep on smiling.



Octavius November 24, 2009 at 3:04 AM  

Hey there,

Since I am now following I thought I better say hello. What you wrote is poignant and quite heart felt. It is a shame about your dad, but that is your battle and only you can fight it. All I can say is keep your chin mate.

Courage and Honour!


Ryan November 24, 2009 at 3:12 AM  

thanks so much adam i am glad when i hear my blog has help people like you open up a little. its people like u that i keep doing it. look for a shout out on my blog to let my readers know your here. thanks again!


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